Monday, November 2, 2009

I Spy

-- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Don't underestimate the power of the darkside.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, October 2, 2009

How I entertain myself in traffic...

Unless Flavor Flav is in the car this is probably unnecessary.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Craft Night

Our craft night began with many of these...

And much of this...
We then sequestered the boys to the other room...

Let the crafting begin...

We made adorable fabric plates....

And glittered pine cones for Christmas...

And I made this wire board...

This reminds me of my mom, when her sisters would come to visit and they would spend a full week staying up till the wee hours of the morning "crafting". I never understood why anyone would do this when you could just go buy these things and get a goodnights sleep. (Just like I never understood why my mom would cry when her sisters left to go back to Idaho and Washington). But I have to say I had fun and didn't get to bed until almost 4am. I also ironed a pillow case the other day so it's official... I'm turning into my mother.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What I saw today

Well technically last night...
My friend had tickets to The Killers so I went as her date. Little did I know we were in the Sac Bee suite away from all the riff raff with free food, our own bathroom and all the Diet Coke I could handle. Spoiled me for all future concerts though.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What I saw today...

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, September 18, 2009

You win some you Lose some...

My last post may need some explaining seeing as anyone who reads this (all three of you) might not know the wonderful story that is my humiliating life. Well this summer I did the unthinkable...wait for it... I actually dated a boy. Yes I know I have done everything in my power to avoid this for the last few years but he just wiggled his way in. I met him at school, we started studying together and although he had absolutely nothing I would ever ever look for in a boyfriend he was just so... well so good looking. I never thought I was shallow or would care about looks but man was he just so... good looking. At first he was fun and sweet, hence the flowers he picked for me in the previous post, but eventually he started to turn a tad bit crazy and even more annoying. But remember he was so good looking that I put up with it for a few months too long. I drew a chart for the visual learners out there:

See as hotness goes up so does my tolerance for annoyance. The taller, tanner, the bigger the muscles the more easily I can handle you talking about your favorite features on yourself, or who you think you can take in a fight. But as you can see from the chart eventually we get to a point where I don't care how hot you are, I just can't watch you and your friends play Mortal Kombat anymore! Well things took their eventual toll and we started the "fade out". It had been weeks of excuses like "I've got too much homework", "I'm too tired", or "I'm going out of town". Things were working out perfectly, until one night I was just bored enough to agree to go over to his house. I had come up with the genius idea of bringing my friend Becky over to his house with me to keep me from falling for his hotness once again. Things went perfectly and as we were leaving Becky walked a little faster to the car to give me a second alone with him. I'm standing there on his front porch doing the awkward goodnight talk, while in the middle of me talking he turns around and slams his door shut. I stood there a second confused as to what was going on, thinking maybe he was just going in the house for a second and was going to return with presents for me? That wasn't the case. This is the texting that occurred the next five minutes:

Me: What just happened?
Him: It was awkward
Me: So because it was awkward you throw a tantrum
Him: Yeah
Me: I can't believe you want things to play out like this...( I continued on a for awhile but I'll spare you)
Him: Well you win some you lose some.

That was the famous line that is now being quoted around here at every opportunity. I must have meant so much to him. What a winner. That was the very last thing I heard from him and now I live in fear as I walk around campus that I am going to run into him and have to do that uncomfortable small talk thing, but really thinking the whole time I wish I could punch you in the face. I learned two very important lessons, first that being that hot will only lead to trouble and second, I have very poor judgement when it comes to men (I mean boys) and I need someone to come take over the decision making process for me (anyone but Lindsey).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My summer started out so good...

But like all things this is where it ended...

You win some you lose some!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Summer is Over

Sad to see Summer go and school to start again but happy I got to end it here:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thought I was Done!

I really thought I was done blogging without cute kids or cute houses to blog about, but really what would I do with magical pictures like these if I didn't put them on some blog.

We were having a BBQ in the backyard last week when we re-discovered the gymnastics bar. We were reminiscing about all the hours we spent on there when Lindsey (always Lindsey) started to taunt me about not being able to still do it.  I had to prove her wrong and so this is what ensued:

Then Marissa and Kyla had to join...
even Taylor and John had to give a try.  Taylor struggled a bit.

We may have been having fun but here's the aftermath on Briana's leg- I guess we're not as young as we thought. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Zoo Trip!

Not sure if most people know about my weird but very real fear of monkeys, especially after I saw this on boingboing:

But I had Isaac for the weekend and I wanted to really wear him out so I decided to just take my chances that the Sacramento Zoo didn't have any hairless chimpanzees.  I don't know what Sacramento does to their animals, but I am convinced they are either high or just stuffed.  The animals were either invisible or they were asleep.  Half the time we were just telling the kids that there was something cool in this cage, we promise!  But they didn't seem to mind and we did get some cute pics:

(Showing us their best tiger face- not sure what Isaac is showing us)

Weekend with Bubba!

Briana went to Vegas for the weekend so I volunteered to take care of Isaac for a few nights.  Taking care of a kid straight, not just baby-sitting for a few hours, was completely different!  Here are a few things I learned:

1.  You will never ever ever get to sleep in again.  When the kid wakes up, they want you to wake up too.  Just putting Sponge Bob on (which apparently isn't a mom approved TV show, who knew?) while I tried to fall back asleep was very unsuccessful.  

2. You have to be careful about the things you say and watch on TV around kids.  This I learned after I heard Isaac say, "What the heck!", and after he was watching Lost with me he asked if that guy's arm that was just ripped off was real.  Oops!

3. Don't even try and feed them chicken that is not in the shape of dinosaurs or mac n' cheese not from the blue box. 

4. When they say they have to go to the bathroom, they mean NOW!

5. Church is completely pointless.  I spent the entire time trying to entertain him, reminding him what it means to whisper, or telling him to stop tossing goldfish crackers at the people in front of us.  

6.  Say goodbye to freedom.  I went out Saturday night, I had to find someone to watch him, and then I actually felt guilty all night for leaving him.  

This was really the best birth control in the world.  Every teenage girl should just babysit for a weekend, problem solved!  As much as I love my Bubba, I don't think I'm going to complain (well let's be realistic, won't complain as much) the next time I have to stay up until 5:30am studying.  

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Brother's a Whore

Oh what Logan will do for money.  I guess when boys are bored the possibilities are endless. Logan while trying to find a midnight snack came across this little gem:

For anyone who doesn't know what "Potted Meat" is, which I assume is everyone, here's a little definition:  "Mechanically separated chicken, beef tripe, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, beef hearts, water, partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue, salt, and less than 2 percent: mustard, natural flavorings, dried garlic, dextrosesodium erythorbate, and sodium nitrite".  Who wouldn't want to eat something that has mechanically separated chicken and beef tripe? (which fyi is the stomach) But seeing as it is almost midnight and was desperately trying to procrastinate my homework for a few more minutes, I threw in $4 bucks to see him do it, Taylor threw in $2, and mom threw in another $4.  As soon as he pulled back that tin lid, it brought me right back to the days of running out to garage to open up a nice juicy can of cat food for Rajah.  The consistency is also quite unexpected.  It's like if you were to put all the ingredients in a blender first and then whip it until it's light and airy.  

Laughing before First Bite:

Definitely not laughing and if you look closely you can see tears welling up:

I don't blame Logan for almost crying and and even commend him for keeping it down.  I took about 1/257th' of a bite and thought I was going to hurl so although the can looks small it was more potted meat than any human should ever have to eat. 

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm a Really Good Faller

Alexie and I went Skydiving yesterday and it was amazing!!!  I went from completely terrified to completely elated in 3.5 seconds.  I recommend it to everyone.  We went to this place out in Lodi and when we got there they told us it was going to be a four hour wait.  We had already psyched ourselves up so we decided to just tough it out and wait.  It was so hot and boring but by the time our numbers were called I was soooo ready to just jump (or I guess hold on as someone else jumps).  The only instructions we were told was just cross your arms and bend your knees, but I figure they know what they're doing, I mean they have some sort of license or certificate or something right?  We got on the plane and it was a full 15 minutes of utter terror before we jumped, about 60 seconds of free fall at 120 mph, and then a few minutes to float on down.  I absolutely loved it and can't wait to do it again.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm Back!!

For the last few months, my life has been very un-fun and therefore very un-blogworthy, but today I decided to ditch school and go snowboarding.  It was soooo sunny and crowded, but it was nice to do something besides homework or tax returns for a few hours.  

(I'm sure if I knew how to use Photoshop I could make this picture look as amazing as it did in real life)

(Logan's first gondola ride- he felt very classy)

(This was our third try to get Taylor to take a normal picture- he is incapable)

(I did this jump two seconds later and got way higher but the boys must have missed it)

(Northstar has these weird things everywhere- Logan is being the Fanz)

It was a good day but I know I am going to regret this move come Tuesday.