A couple of years ago I read the first Twilight book and was not a fan. I thought the idea of teen romance with that much intensity was ridiculous, Bella was pathetic and needy, and this Edward guy was soooo annoying with all the hand holding and face caressing, I thought I was going to puke. I got swept away in this excitement of the movie coming out- maybe it was the two posters hanging in our living room- so I went and saw it and I absolutely loved it!! Most people are talking about how cheesy and stupid the movie is but I thought it was really good, and I give it two thumbs up. (My opinion definetely matters) I think I just like the movie because of the uber-dreamy British actor who plays Edward with crazy hair who plays the piano and guitar. Don't base your opinion on the picture above, in real life, serious dream boat. (Me and fourteen year old girls have so much in common). So because I liked movie so much I decided I should finish the books. I am almost done with the third and again I am getting a little sick of these characters. Enough already with the "you are the love of my eternity" and "I can't live without you". I mean if this was real life and Edward was really saying to Bella "you can't go see Jacob without me watching" she should either tell him to shove it or punch him! And if Bella really can't function whenever Edward isn't around she should get a life, not go flying off to Italy to find him. I mean even I feel smothered by their relationship. Everyone knows this kind of love has a maximum shelf life of only 24 months before it expires. But I am still curious where this Stephenie chick is going so I continue to read hoping that she introduces a new character who encourages Bella to think for herself, get a degree, not revolve her life around Edward or Jacob, and have a life outside of just one boy. Alas, according the the book sales (25 million) I am alone in my thinking. Hey even I will read all four so I guess Stephenie Meyer did her job. Plus I may not be the best person to give out love advice. Let's hope it ends better and please Alexie, don't kill me in my sleep!
So fun to see this oohy gooey love story getting to you, if only in the movie form, I know by the 3rd book you just want things to wrap up. Just wait for #4 it gets intense.
haha ohhhh chelsea..I was so excited with this post until I got to the end. Edward and Bellas love is so rare and unique! You have to embrace it! Rob is a dreamboat that is something we can agree on!
Chelsea!!! It's Jill Peterson (villars)!! How are you?? I was just writing Lex a comment and saw your pic. You look great:)
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