Saturday, November 1, 2008

Witchy Witchy Screamy Screamy Happy Happy Halloweeny!!!

Our delicious treats: The traditional Taco Soup and Ghost Cupcakes 
that Briana says are too hard to eat but Elise seems to be doing just fine!

This one is my favorite and no one can see who it is.  I feel like it is soooooo obvious!  Isaac guessed Uncle Jerry so if that's what you are thinking you are wrong!
And our amazing costumes!  Well, everyone else's amazing costumes.  I was dressed as the boring Auntie this year.  I put on Lindsey's other cheerleading outfit from the good 
ol' days and I just couldn't do it.  I think I was scarred from 
last weekend.  The girls were the cutest pirates I have ever seen.  
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!


Lonely Paul said...
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lexiedawn said...

stephen colbert! this looks very fun and im soooo sad i wasn't there. My halloween was ultra boring.

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Tell Briana that identity left is not a joke. And that millions of people suffer every year.

Maureen said...

WHo is lonely Paul? The blue bear is a little scary! any ho, the pumpkins were awesome! Halloween was alittle weird this year, I can't put my finger on it but it was just not the same, I think it was because I missed the pope taco soup! Next year we are back to tradition!