Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Brother's a Whore

Oh what Logan will do for money.  I guess when boys are bored the possibilities are endless. Logan while trying to find a midnight snack came across this little gem:

For anyone who doesn't know what "Potted Meat" is, which I assume is everyone, here's a little definition:  "Mechanically separated chicken, beef tripe, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, beef hearts, water, partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue, salt, and less than 2 percent: mustard, natural flavorings, dried garlic, dextrosesodium erythorbate, and sodium nitrite".  Who wouldn't want to eat something that has mechanically separated chicken and beef tripe? (which fyi is the stomach) But seeing as it is almost midnight and was desperately trying to procrastinate my homework for a few more minutes, I threw in $4 bucks to see him do it, Taylor threw in $2, and mom threw in another $4.  As soon as he pulled back that tin lid, it brought me right back to the days of running out to garage to open up a nice juicy can of cat food for Rajah.  The consistency is also quite unexpected.  It's like if you were to put all the ingredients in a blender first and then whip it until it's light and airy.  

Laughing before First Bite:

Definitely not laughing and if you look closely you can see tears welling up:

I don't blame Logan for almost crying and and even commend him for keeping it down.  I took about 1/257th' of a bite and thought I was going to hurl so although the can looks small it was more potted meat than any human should ever have to eat. 


Maureen said...

I am cracking up, the look on Logans face is priceless. What a great little gem to use on april 1st next year, not sure quite how but it will be used. don't worry you'll all forget by next april trust me! hee hee (evil laughter)..all for 10 dollars, logan you should have held out for at least $10.50.

Kaylynn said...


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