Since the beginning of time our family has been dressing up for no apparent good reason. We either dress up in 80's and head off to Kmart for some classy pictures (see above), or we would do a workout/music video for Marissa's boyfriend while he's was in the Navy (we pray it's not on youtube or our children may never recover). Mind you this was 15 years ago, and here are some pictures of last night...
Please help us- there are not enough psychologists in the Sacramento area for these problems!!!
Chelsea, always a bridesmaid, never a bride:
The Blushing Brides:
I take the bouquet toss incredibly serious:
We then decided it would be a genius idea to switch over to the 60's:
Now it was time for the 80's. I was having a hard time comprehending the design aesthetic from this era.

Clearly, the only thing left to do is jump around on the bed:

I know there are many questions after these disturbing pictures.
I know there are many questions after these disturbing pictures.
Why do 25 & 30 year old's have the time to dress up in play clothes and don't they have better things to do? We don't have either.
Why have we acquired so many useless articles of clothing?
This is nothing, we've got an attic full, and Lindsey has acquired quite the collection of her own that she keeps at her house. And useless? Oh I don't think so, these clothes have been used for 80's parties, high school dances, music videos telling your husband you are having his baby, or the annual Pope/Lawson Christmas program (Yes we are still doing it).
And lastly I know you are asking how can I still be single when I am clearly so amusing and fun? That my friend is a mystery that may never be answered.
Come join us next time!!
I've never been more homesick in my life.
Can't wait for the spazmatic night.
You have left me speechless. I will be invited next time right?
All I can say, is you three are hot, especially the chic on the couch with the wine glass (and no wine in it!)!!
#1 What a great activity for a Sat night or any night. FUN is all your middle names.
#2 Does your mother know you were jumping on her bed?
#3 Chelsea I can fix the single part, because it is a mystery to me too. You are a catch! and Im not just saying that because I'm your aunt and I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course I knew. . .I was the official photographer and before you think "Man, Julie, haven't you started actin' your age??. . .it was MY SUGGESTION that we turned off the ceiling fan before any jumping commenced. . . .
I don't think I've ever seen your legs! You should show off those babies more often! You are so skinny right now its making me jealous!
Chelsea, I love this post...made me miss you oh so much! Can you please find me a job in CA so I can move out there so we can be roommates again! I can't take the seperation any longer! We need to catch up ASAP
Hey! I can't believe you found us with Google. You could have easily sent an email asking if we had a blog. However, it is more entertaining to google people. Heidi laughed all the way through your blog, she loved it. As for the cheese fries, I want some right now-even after seeing your moldy food pictures.
someone is hacking into my computer because there's all these comments that i've never posted!! i remember looking at your blog and seeing something posted and then i was like weird i don't remember writing that, do you have a friend named lex? this looks way fun by the way!
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