Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Click on this assignment from my english class and see if you can tell me which one is mine.

Needless to say, this is Taylor again...


Maureen said...

Okay this is easy!
You wrote I believe good things happen to those who help themselves.
But I would say you said "I believe I have the power to make others happy;)
But you could have put. I believe in rhythm, that would be Lindsey after seeing her last post! she can move! Tell me I got it right>>

Chelsea said...

My guess is that Taylor wrote, "I believe in believing the unbelievable to an unbelievable degree."

lexiedawn said...

definitely the slipper..(ya right)

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

I love my brother.

Mainly because he is umblieveable to an unbeleivable degree.

Maureen said...

Oh I thought this was you Chelsea, I see your picture and think your talking to me! Im going to have to think about this one, I think the slipper too..

Kaylynn said...

I agree with Chelsea - but don't keep us hanging anymore - which one was really yours?